Twenty-one delightful stories for children of all ages. The five animals--Freddie, Jennie, Leoni, Robbie, and Donnie--are classmates in a school in Africa. Each story relates an inspiring experience of cooperation, loving-kindness, and compassion. Suitable for reading from the illustrated book or as presentations to large groups or classes. The Teacher's Manual provides detailed lesson plans with activities for using the stories with classes of children.
Reformatted with enhanced illustrations
PDF Book
PowerPoint Presentations
The book and files are ready for teachers to use in any classroom. The stories can be incorporated into the curriculum to instill the virtues of empathy, cooperation, and compassion. They are written in simple English, easily translated into other languages. Children will certainly enjoy and benefit from the adventures of these friendly animals.
Click each button to view and download the respective files.
All of the files in one ZIP flile (674MB)
Introduction by Paul Vincent Cable
All 21 stories with illustrations in one PDF file
PowerPoint presentations of the illustrations
All illustration files
The Teacher's Manual
Selected illustrations in coloring book format
The Freddie Stories are copyrighted, but the author has given permission for them to be freely downloaded and used without restriction for non-commercial purposes. We would appreciate comments and a brief explanation of how they are being used. Please send your comments to: <>.
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