Relief Mission provides assistance, medical equipment, medicine,
and supplies, to Sangha hospitals. Reusable medical instruments
are always welcome!
pictures are from two Sangha hospitals in Burma that Buddhist
Relief Mission supports.
Now at that time, a certain monk was suffering from dysentery,
and lay where he had fallen in his own excrement. The Lord
and Ananda were visiting the lodging and they came to where
the sick monk lay, and the Lord asked him: "Monk, what
is wrong with you?"
"I have dysentery."
"Is there no one to look after you?"
"No, Lord."
"Then why is it that the other monks don't look after
"It is because I am of no use to them, Lord."
the Lord said to Ananda: "Go and fetch water. We will
wash this monk."
Ananda brought water and the Lord poured it out while
Ananda washed the monk all over. Then taking the monk
by the head and feet, the Lord and Ananda together carried
him and laid him on a bed. Later, the Lord called the
monks together and asked them: "Why, monks, did you
not look after that sick monk?"
"Because he was of no use to us, Lord."
"You have no mother or father to take care of you.
If you do not look after each other, who else will? He
who would nurse me, let him nurse the sick."
Vinaya IV 301
donation of surgical instruments
Registered address:
7414 Kenrob Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546, U.S.A..
152/1 Riverdale Road
Anniwatte, Kandy 20000
Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-77-964-9292
E-mail: buddhist@brelief.org