Calvin Malone -- Free at last!

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Razor-Wire Dharma is his eloquent, enlightening, and utterly inspiring personal story how he found Buddhism—and real, transformative meaning for his life-despite being in one of the world’s harshest environments.

Some of his stories are hilarious, some are harrowing, but all express Buddhist wisdom as vividly as any practitioner could hope to do. Malone is living it, and in the unlikeliest of places. For him, the choice of staying true to his principles often requires that he quite literally jeopardize his life, safety, and the few small comforts available to him to try to do what’s right.

It is well known that Michelangelo Buonarroti transformed a block of marble into the statue of David. Actually what he did was remove all that was not David from the stone. By doing so, Michelangelo made it possible for us to see the David that was already there. He freed the statue that was imprisoned in the marble by changing the way we see it.

In many ways we are like that marble block. We want to transform ourselves into something better, more useful, and kinder. But sometimes we don’t have all the skills necessary to do so. We need a skilled guide to get us going in the right direction. This booklet is designed to encourage you to examine yourself -- your past, your perceptions, your thoughts, and your current conditions--and to help you decide what adjustments to make to initiate positive change and create the causes for happiness.

Click the logo for information on how to receive a copy of this book from Sravasti Abbey

Donations will help Calvin in his work.