Sharing Merit in Kandy

On Thursday, March 5, 2020, Ken and Visakha Kawasaki invited their students to their home for class, followed by lunch. Also attending were Bruce from Japan, Jamie from the UK, Menusha from Matale, and Isuru from Peradeniya. The delicious food was prepared by Lily and her daughter, Surangi, with special dishes offered by Veena. The chanting of Paritta following the dana was in honor of Bruce's birthday, to send healing wishes to Srinath Dayas, Veena's brother who was severely injured in a recent accident, and to share merit with George "Bits" Rubenson, our brother-in-law, and Kathern "Toots" Beursken, a neighbor of Ken's childhood in Brownhelm, both of whom recently passed away.